Neuf nouvelles bourses attribuées

Notre processus d’octroi de subventions devient une machine bien huilée ! Nous avons reçu 31 demandes de financement cet automne, et après avoir jugé 2 d'entre elles inéligibles, notre équipe de bénévoles intrépides a examiné les propositions restantes. Nos sincères remerciements vont aux membres de FON qui se sont portés volontaires pour cette ronde. Leur participation ajoute une réelle valeur à ce processus. Chaque volontaire...

Nine grants awarded May 2023.

The grant review team has completed another successful round of grant reviews! Friends of Niger selected 9 projects for funding in May.  All unsuccessful applicants were given feedback about what the review team liked and what would have made their proposal more competitive.  Many thanks to our review team: Abdou Illia, Alhassan Ali, Alix (Barstow) Fedoruk, Ashley Spencer Fairleigh, Cara Greger, Douglas Steinberg, JoAnn Lewis, John...

ANNOUNCING 2023 grant making SCHEDULE

voir français en dessous ANNOUNCING 2023 SCHEDULE FOR GRANT MAKING. Applications must be received by March 15 or September 1 to be considered for funding. Notification of results will follow 2 months after the cutoff date.  Guidelines and forms are available on this site under the tab GRANTS/LES PROJETS The grant-making program is designed to support locally identified projects which demonstrate community support, are likely to succeed...


Appel A Candidatures Des Subventions   Les Amis du Niger annoncent un appel à candidatures qui se terminera le 1er septembre 2022.  Grâce à nos généreux donateurs, nous sommes en mesure d’offrir de petites subventions pour soutenir les initiatives locales au Niger.  Les subventions seront accordées selon un processus d’examen concurrentiel, les demandes devant être présentées d’ici le 1er septembre. ...


Congratulations to the grantees and many thanks to the grant review team this round. Vounteers: John Berry, Brianne Boylan, Andrew Danzig, Tom Dechert, JoAnn Lewis, Lois Rakov, Pam White, Scott Youngstedt; FON Board members: Mary Abrams, Kelsey Andersen, John Baird,  Kimberly Dixon, Alix Fedoruk, Alhassan Ali Mamadou Souna, Doug Steinberg With their hard work we reviewed 26 project proposals!! Seven projects were selected for a total of...


Friends of Niger is announcing a Call for Applications to close March 15, 2022.  Thanks to our generous donors we are able to offer small grants to support local initiatives in Niger.  Grants will be awarded in spring and fall based on a competitive review process with the first cycle applications due by March 15 and the second cycle due date of September 1.  Please share this announcement with friends, contacts and interested...

October 31, 2021 Grant Deadline

October 2021 Call for Proposals Friends of Niger is announcing a Call for Applications to close October 31, 2021.  Thanks to our generous donors we are able to offer small grants to support local initiatives in Niger.  Grants are awarded in spring and fall based on a competitive review process. THE BASIC INFO Friends of Niger (FON) awards small grants to support projects that directly benefit the people of Niger.  Grants range...

Four Grants awarded

Friends of Niger is thrilled to announce funding for a new round of projects totaling approximately $16,250*.  Project selection was accomplished through our new, rigorous competitive process.  Many thanks to our "Friends of" group colleagues, including Nepal, Tanzania and Burkina, and the Portland OR RPCV group, who shared ideas and information about how they select and fund projects.  We cobbled together all the best ideas and we think our...

Announcing Grants available

PROJECTS / PROPOSITIONS DE SUBVENTIONS The Friends of Niger is an organization founded by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers to initiate and support activities related to Niger and its people.  Friends of Niger is calling for proposals for a new competitive grant making process.  We have established two grant review cycles per year.  Applications will only be considered for funding during one of these two grant periods.  All...