

  • Photos by Irene Abdou, an RPCV who served in the Torodi/Tera area in 1995-1999.
  • Flickr set of outstanding photographs of Niger by a Polish photographer who goes by the handle NYGUS.
  • Photos taken by Gabriella Maertens, Niger III, 1964-1966, a Physical Education and TEFL teacher at the Cours Normal in Zinder (now a CEG)
  • Photos taken by Kevin Hanlon, Jim Schneider, Amadou Kimba Siddo, and Andrew Younger during a trip to Niger in January 2002 for the filming of the video production A Brother from Niger. More information concerning the video can be found here.
  • From PC Niger Country Director Jim Bullington and Hamdallaye training staff person Noelle Smith. Taken during the January – April 2001Peace Corps training program at Hamdallaye.
  • From Jim Bullington, Peace Corps Niger Country Director. Includes photos of various PCVs as well as the newly arrived group of PCTs, late 2000 – January 2001.
  • From Janet Zobel during a visit to central Niger in December 2000. The photos were taken in Zinder, Myrriah, Kantche and Kawari.
  • From the Friends of Niger Reunion in St. Paul, Minnesota, August 1999.


  • Aïr Massif – Satellite photo of the Aïr Mountains in northern Niger.