Others working in Niger

Other organizations active in Niger

Like Friends of Niger, The following organizations share the common goal of helping the people of Niger in one way or another.

Friends of Niger encourages support for all efforts to engage people in learning more about and helping Niger.  Please check out the following organizations which are active in Niger.

  • Action Against Hunger – programs in Maradi, Dakoro, and Tahoua
  • Africare – 35-year involvement in programs throughout Niger (not currently working in Niger)
  • Amman Imman: Water is Life – a group devoted to bringing water and hope to those who have none. By building borehole wells, they provide water to individuals who are literally dying of thirst in Niger’s Azawak Valley.
  • Bokai – working directly with village leaders in local government, farming and education in Guidan Roumji
  • CARE – The program currently focuses on health and nutrition, natural resources management, education, local governance, conflict resolution, women’s empowerment, microfinance, disaster risk reduction, and emergency preparedness and response.
  • Catholic Relief Services – Agriculture, Emergency Response and Recovery, Health, Education, Microfinance, Water Security, Peacebuilding, Governance
  • Islamic Relief USA – Recent projects have focused on water and sanitation, poverty alleviation, and enhancing food security. The projects aim to combat these areas of need by providing the vulnerable communities served with the means and resources they need for improved livelihoods.
  • Educate Tomorrow – supporting students’ meals, school supplies, transportation, boarding. Building and stocking a health care facility and trained health care workers to treat the people of the village of Kabey Fo.
  • Eliminate Poverty NOW –  provide strategic, logistical, and financial support for economic and social development; including Farmers of the Future agricultural cooperative, and the development of a horticultural training center. Working in Liboré, N’Dounga, and Balleyara
  • Lutheran World Relief – Programs in agriculture, climate change adaptation and emergency response improve crop production and promote sustainable land use, so families are able to feed themselves year-round.
  • Médecins Sans Frontières – Working to improve healthcare for displaced people, host communities and the population at large, particularly children, delivering integrated health programs throughout the country. The needs of refugees and displaced people in Diffa region continue to mount as the country strives to stem child mortality and outbreak of epidemics such as measles, meningitis and hepatitis E.
  • Mercy Corps – food security, early recovery, resilient livelihoods, and community development.
  • NANEY – fostering savings, investing in productive activities, growing the capacity of the community to self-manage those resources and establishing long term, trust relationships by creating community advisors
  • Pencils for Kids – Partner with communities in Niger to create sustainable educational programs, resources and infrastructure, including Farmers of the Future, Sewing Program and Scholarships for girls
  • The NOMAD Foundation – helping nomads in Niger support themselves using expertise that has sustained them for centuries.
  • Oxfam – Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.  In Niger assisting nomadic people in Maradi, Tahoua, and Tillabéri
  • Plan International – promoting children’s rights and gender equality.
  • Rain for the Sahel and Sahara – forges partnerships with rural and nomadic peoples in Niger to enable enduring and relevant livelihoods through access to education and opportunity.
  • Remember Niger Coalition – unifying people and mobilizing resources in order to expand quality educational opportunities in Niger
  • Serving in Mission – programs include general education, supporting the Galmi hospital.
  • SIM Hospital in Galmi – hospital between Birni N’Konni and Madaoua supported by Serving in Mission
  • United Nations World Food Programme – Climate sensitive livelihoods and asset creation, support for smallholder farmers, nutrition, School meals, emergency preparedness and response,  coordinating bulk food distributions
  • World Vision – child protection and care, healthy children and families, education,