Friends of Niger (FON) awards small grants to support projects that directly benefit the people of Niger. Grant awards range between $500 and $5,000. Funding for grants comes from donations of members and supporters of the Friends of Niger organization. Grant-making serves as a way to support development in Niger and to connect and engage our membership.
Grant applications are due May 16, 2025. Project funding will not be available before August 15, 2025.
FON gives priority to projects that:
Address a locally identified need
Are feasible and likely to be successful
Benefit many people or at least more than just a small group
Have community support and contributions which can be in-kind contributions
Have a plan to sustain the benefits into the future
Build local capacity and leadership.
FON Will Not Fund:
Political advocacy including political campaigns or attempts to influence legislation in Niger;
Litigation activities;
Visa or other immigration requests that only benefit individuals
Debt relief for any organization
Projects that benefit only one individual or family
Projects with a religious objective.
Applications are welcomed from not-for-profit organizations, community associations, cooperatives, schools, and clinics. Applications will not be accepted from individuals or organizations representing political parties, private businesses, or any entity that has outstanding obligations to FON including reports. Applications from organizations on a terrorist watch list are not eligible for funding.
Application Submission
Applications may be submitted in English or French, and may be handwritten if they are legible. Applicants are encouraged to write short, complete answers following the guidance for number of words in the application form. Please remember Friends of Niger reviewers are familiar with conditions in Niger and are most interested in how funds will be used to improve the lives of Nigeriens. Applications must include all requested information.
GUIDELINES 2025 Grant Guidelines
EXAMPLE 2025ExampleGrantApplicationFON.pdf