Category Archives: Donate


Annual Report & request for donations

“Alheri gadon barci ne.”   Hausa proverb

A kindness is never wasted.

Dear Friends of Niger Members,

Isn’t it true that during your time in Niger you were the recipient of countless alheri? Certainly, we would stand up and attest that Nigeriens are some of the kindest people we have ever met!

You and I represent a tiny fraction of the population that knows anything at all about Niger. From having lived and worked there, we have a better understanding of what life is like in Niger and what the needs are. We care about the humanitarian toll that poverty takes on individuals, families, and communities – many of whom we know and consider dear friends.

Friends of Niger offers a way for you to continue to support effective life-changing development and humanitarian work even after your time there has ended. Your donations support vocational training for youth, solar electrification of health clinics, and biocontrol of millet-boring pests, to name a few.

The reports and pictures we receive from the Nigeriens who successfully implement these projects, and from the participants and recipients themselves, are a testament to the work that the Friends of Niger is doing to support Nigeriens and Niger.

Our mission is to promote and support sustainable development efforts in Niger, and our new FON Board of Directors is looking forward to continue fulfilling this mission in 2022! Many of our projects target women and children aiming to improve economic opportunities, nutrition, and health. Please take a few minutes to read the informative 2021 Grants Report and contact us if you would like to learn more or get more involved.

This year, one of our generous donors is planning to give $10,000 and challenges you to support this work by donating as much as is comfortable for you – no matter the amount. We are truly grateful for and count on your continuing support of Friends of Niger!

Your gift can help in so many ways.  Please write a check and mail it to PO Box 452, Haverford, PA 19041; or go to our website at and donate via PayPal by clicking on the “DONATE” button. Your gift to the Friends of Niger is tax-deductible and makes a real impact on families in the country we love.

Please do it today.  Please donate and touch someone in Niger. A kindness is never wasted.

Please see our 2021 Annual Grant Report HERE.

Thank you so much for your past and future support.


Amy Wilson, President         John Baird, Past President
Friends of Niger,

MercyCorps Focuses On Struggles In Niger

We are all concerned about the growing food crisis in Niger, and MercyCorps is ramping up their efforts not only to raise awareness of this dire situation, but to provide direct assistance that is greatly needed in the Sahel.

Some featured articles include:

Cassandra Nelson’s latest blog entry describes the impact the hunger crisis is having on children.

Full URL:

In this video Nelson gives an overview of the crisis and how MercyCorps is beginning to help.

Visual Impact

gallery of images showing the impact MercyCorps is having in Niger

Full URL:

The Ongoing Crisis

Read entries from the ongoing food crisis in Niger

Full URL:

Read all the details about MercyCorps’ programs in Niger.

Full URL:

You can help!

Donate to MercyCorps to help fight the Niger food crisis.

Full URL:

A Unique Opportunity To Help A Worthy Niamey School

The April 2010 Issue of the Camel Express Showcased the Hampaté Bâ Middle School Competition to Win GlobalGiving’s Open Challenge.

Now It’s Up to Us!

Les Amis de Hampaté Bâ, the non profit supporting the Amadou Hampaté Bâ school in Niamey, has been selected to participate in the Global Giving Challenge for September 2010. During the month of September, the association needs to prove that it can raise funds, and if it succeeds, it will have the privilege of appearing permanently on theGlobalGiving web site, providing continual revenues from International donors and benefiting US donors on their tax returns.

Collège Amadou Hampaté Bâ is a private, coeducational, non-denominational secondary school in a popular neighborhood in Niamey called Dar-es-Salam. The school has a bottom-up professional development approach and a process of self-transformation to a progressive teaching/learning experience within a supportive, happy school atmosphere.

Now it is up to us all to help out with the challenge! Here are some important guidelines: Each of us needs to find about 10 people who are willing to give at least 10 dollars each. The challenge consists of raising a minimum of 4000 US dollars in one month (September 2010), which means the association needs to aim for at least 200 donors if each donor gives between 10 and 20 dollars.

The donations for the “Les Amis de Hampaté Bâ” project must be submitted by Internet on GlobalGiving’s Open Challenge page between Sept 1st and Sept 30th.

This is a fabulous way for us to raise money for the Amadou Hampaté Bâ Middle School and at the same time help the association gain international recognition.

So, get ready and set to go! All it will take is a few clicks on the computer. Start thinking of family or friends who would be willing to help out with this kind gesture that could make such a difference in the life of secondary students in Niger by giving them equal access to affordable, quality secondary education. Just go to GlobalGiving and search for “Niger.”

Full URLs:

GlobalGiving Open Challenge Page

Les Amis de Hampaté Bâ

Collège Amadou Hampaté Bâ

MercyCorps Raising Funds For Niger Food Crisis

This year, as many as 7.8 million people – more than half of Niger’s total population – face the grim prospect of months without sufficient food.

Sporadic rains during the last growing season have had a devastating effect on harvests and food supplies, leaving households with little to save for the long “hungry season” between harvests. There are already widespread reports of families – particularly women and children – skipping meals and having to forage for semi-edible grasses, leaves and other wild food.

They need help to survive until the fall harvest, and the Government of Niger has requested urgent assistance from the international community.

Mercy Corps – which has worked in some of Niger’s poorest villages since 2005 – has plans to deliver food and other critical assistance to more than 211,000 people threatened by the hunger crisis. Through government grants, private support and partnerships with local organizations, Mercy Corps will supply nutritious food to vulnerable households, in addition to supporting community banks and early warning response mechanisms.

Read about how Mercy Corps is preparing a response to the growing crisis in Niger:

Click here to donate:

Mercy Corps focuses on Niger’s “Silent Disaster”

Mercy Corps is giving special attention to Niger’s ongoing cycle of hunger in their fundraising efforts, calling it one of the world’s “Silent Disasters”.

From their web site, :

Long months of hunger between meager harvests hold Niger’s families in a brutal grip. Mercy Corps is helping them break free.

Successive poor harvests put more than 3.5 million Nigeriens – about 20 percent of that country’s entire population – at risk for chronic malnutrition and other dire health problems. Children, already Niger’s most vulnerable population, have been most affected of all. Today, Mercy Corps is working to help determined Nigeriens build locally sustainable, resilient health and nutrition networks so that communities can cope with crisis – and mothers can provide a healthier future for their young children.

Please take some time to look at the work Mercy Corps is doing in Niger and around the world.

See Mercy Corps’ focus on Niger here:

Fund Raisers planned for San Francisco and Washington DC to Support Boarding House

Virginia Emmons is the co-founder and director of Educate Tomorrow, an international non-profit organization seeking to provide equitable access to education for all people

Virginia is also a Niger RPCV, and is helping to organize fundraisers in San Francisco and Washington DC whose main goal is to raise money for a boarding house in Kirtachi, Niger.

When the Peace Corps left the Kirtachi region, the Peace Corps and the Nigerien government agreed to donate the former Peace Corps hostel and land to the project. Now, money is needed to convert and operate the hostel so that middle-school students from the region who live in far away villages can stay in the hostel, enabling them to attend school regularly. Students from Kabey Fo, a village 25 kilometers away from the nearest middle school, will be the first beneficiaries of the project.

The fund raisers will include wine tasting and silent auctions. Items to be auctioned include a cruise, a week at a beach house, art work, wine, and more. Organizers are still accepting donations for the silent auctions.

Event Dates:

  • San Francisco: August 18, 2006
  • Washington DC: September 8, 2006

To volunteer, make a donation, or for general information, please contact Virginia Emmons

FON Supports Micro-credit Projects in Niger

At the March 12, 2006 meeting of the Board of Directors of Friends of Niger, the board voted to allocate the sum of $500 to a newly formed NGO, Tin-Hinan. In the past year FON members have contributed over $1000 earmarked for micro-credit projects. RPCV Sue Rosenfeld will present the check to this organization on behalf of FON when she returns to Niger in late April.

Tin-Hinan is a non-profit registered with the government of Niger. The founder and president of this organization is a Tuarag woman, Habsatou Aboubacar. Rural women in Niger encounter enormous difficulties, among others, the lack of sources of revenue because of lack of means and time to take part in activities that will generate revenue and permit them to be financially independent. Our donation will help finance the micro-credit operation for the women of Goroubi in the Tillabery Region to enable the women of this region to provide for their needs and the needs of their children.

Project Information

Title: Micro-credit projects for women
Global Objective: Improvement of living conditions for women
Location: Village of Goroubi
Department: Say
Region: Tillabery
Country: Niger
Budget: 9,630,000 F cfa (14,705 Euros)
Number of Beneficiaries: 20 women
Duration: 14 months
Expected Start Date: January 2006
Project End Date: March 2007
Organization Name: Association Tin Hinan
Official Contact: Mme Habsatou Aboubacar
Tel: (00227) 88 42 04
BP 11470 Niamey Niger

For more information on this project, contact Gabriella Maertens at