NPCA Launching MorePeaceCorps Campaign To Increase Support for Peace Corps

100 House Parties Across United States
Targeted For September 6, 2008

MorePeaceCorps is a campaign launched in 2008 by the National Peace Corps Association with the goal of increasing support for the Peace Corps, eventually doubling its budget and worldwide volunteer base by 2011, the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps.

MorePeaceCorps will begin by throwing 100 House Parties across the United States to rally support for this crucial goal.

You can help out by hosting a party, arranging for donations, coordinating publicity, writing letters and/or op-ed pieces, or simply attending your local house party!

If you are interested in becoming an official MorePeaceCorps local organizer or simply learning more about 100 House Parties, please contact May Wilkerson at MorePeaceCorps, or visit the official MorePeaceCorps web site.

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