Five Returned Peace Corps Volunteers began filming their experiences during a return trip to Niger in 2008. Now they are hoping to turn these experiences into a full-length documentary.

Jic Clubb, Filingue 1967
From the documentary web site:
In the summer of 1966 a group of 65 idealistic Peace Corps volunteers headed for Africa and landed in the dusty, heat-scorched desert of Niger.
We stayed for two years working in agriculture, digging wells and starting health clinics for women and their babies.
In 2008 five of us returned to Niger to revisit the country, see our old friends and witness how our work has improved the lives of the people there.
The documentary also explores the culture shock of re-entry into the U.S. in the turmoil of 1968 and how our experience in Africa influenced our future work.
This is our collective story.
Come check out the Niger ’66 web site to see the trailer and read about the progress of the film.
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