Friends of Niger is currently reviewing several requests from organizations for flood assistance and we hope to provide some support through them to those in need soon.
The Nigerien expatriate group CONUSA has already raised over $2,000.
To donate now, you can either go to https://friendsofniger.org/donate/donate-via-paypal/ to use PayPal, or write a check payable to Friends of Niger and mail to: Friends of Niger PO Box 452 Haverford, PA 19041.
Thank you for lending a hand at a critical time. Fonda goy and Merci.
FLOODING update as of Sept. 7, 2020
Three months of pounding rain in Niger have left 65 people dead and affected nearly 330,000, while several areas of the capital Niamey remain underwater.
The ministry of humanitarian action and disaster reported that as of September 7, 51 people had died when their home collapsed in the floods, and 14 had drowned.
The worst-affected regions are Maradi in the central south of the country, Tahoua and Tillaberi in the west, and Dosso in the southwest.
At least 10 of the deaths were in the capital Niamey, where the rain caused the Niger river to breach its banks, municipal authorities said.
Flooding last year claimed 57 lives and affected 226,000 people nationwide.