Académie Bilingue Cornerstone is looking to raise money to expand its schools in Niger, particularly in villages where there are no schools.
From the founder, Amina P. Alio, PhD:
It is said that a good education is the foundation for a positive future for all children. Unfortunately, for many children in Niger this is not a reality. Niger was designated the poorest country in 2015, with over 90% of the population lives below the poverty line. Many families cannot afford school fees and supplies for their children. The number of schools is insufficient and existing classrooms are overcrowded. As a result, only 25% to 35% of the population in Niger can read and write, with women and girls having the lowest literacy rates.
Our mission is to move Niger forward – one school, one child at a time – through the establishment of schools that offer quality education, the powerful key that will unlock the doors to the future.
Friends of Niger does not endorse any particular religion, but we do strongly support education at all levels, and we encourage you to read up about ABC Schools and other organizations, and consider helping them help improve education in Niger.