Friends of Niger is
currently reviewing several requests from organizations for flood assistance
and we hope to provide some support through them to those in need soon. The Nigerien expatriate group CONUSA has already raised over $2,000. To donate now, you can
either go to
to use PayPal, or write a check payable to Friends of Niger and mail to:
Friends of Niger PO Box 452 Haverford, PA 19041....
Visual tour of Agadez November 2019. Hotels, galleries of cultural artifacts, restaurants. 5th largest city in Niger, with a population of 124,324 (as of 2011)
How it Evolved. By John Hutchison The proposal to establish AREN (Archive de la République du Niger) has evolved out of the long term relationship between the Republic of Niger and the USA beginning after Niger’s independence, and the advent of the Peace Corps there. This was followed much later by the relationship, linkage, and then student exchange between the Université Abdou Moumouni (UAM) and Boston University (BU). This
School for students staying in the village, while parents leave to herd livestock to find forage.Visit of the Maire de TchintebaredinFood supplies deliveryfeeding program initiated by Women’s cooperative and partially funded by FONFood supplies deliveryVisit of the Maire
Submitted by Phyllis Dichter Forbes. In February, FON approved a project with the Kirker Foundation of Niger (KF/N) for $4,000 to help them deliver critically needed medicines and medical supplies, strengthen KF/N advocacy for health services in Niger, and increase local government inputs to promote long-term sustainability of KF/N efforts. These funds will help with the internal Niger costs of clearing the first MAP International shipment of...
The International Robot Olympics is in less than one week! Never before have the world’s many nations come together for a competition of this nature, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to take part in history. A team from Niger is competing, and nothing would be more meaningful to them than support from their brothers and sisters abroad. A loud chorus of cheers from the community would make their trip to America all the more...
Road Trip Niger Sunday, February 5, 2:00pm, at the Ojai Valley Community Church, 907 El Centro St., Ojai, California. Born to Play Productions presents a film about the adventures of the filmmakers in a country as far from home as imaginable, to discover the nomadic tribes of Niger, the vast, unforgiving and breathtaking Sahara desert, and the work of the Nomad Foundation. Film, music, appetizers, no host bar & silent auction to benefit...
Dear Friend, I know that, like me, you have a strong connection to Niger and its people. You know first-hand how great the need is and how few resources are at hand. For most people, Niger is just an overlooked spot on a map of Africa. It’s confused with Nigeria, lumped together with other West African countries, or simply just ignored. But, we are not most people. We have connections to the country that run deep – through our work and...