Appel A Candidatures Des Subventions   Les Amis du Niger annoncent un appel à candidatures qui se terminera le 1er septembre 2022.  Grâce à nos généreux donateurs, nous sommes en mesure d’offrir de petites subventions pour soutenir les initiatives locales au Niger.  Les subventions seront accordées selon un processus d’examen concurrentiel, les demandes devant être présentées d’ici le 1er septembre.  S’il vous plaît partager cette annonce avec des amis et les parties intéressées.


Les Amis du Niger (FON) accordent de petites subventions pour soutenir des projets qui profitent directement au peuple nigérien.  Les subventions varient entre 500 $ et 5 000 $.  Le financement des subventions provient des dons des membres et des sympathisants de l’organisation des Amis du Niger.

Les demandes de financement doivent être reçues au plus tard le 1er septembre 2022

Nous vous invitons à consulter les renseignements mis à jour à notre site internet : 

Call For Proposals Friends of Niger is announcing a Call for Applications to close September 1, 2022.  Thanks to our generous donors we are able to offer small grants to support local initiatives in Niger.  Grants will be awarded based on a competitive review process with the first cycle applications due by September 1.  Please share this announcement with friends, contacts and interested parties.


Friends of Niger (FON) awards small grants to support projects that directly benefit the people of Niger.  Grants range between $500 and $5,000.  Funding for grants comes from donations of members and supporters of the Friends of Niger organization.

Applications for funding must be received by September 1, 2022.  All eligible applications will compete for available funding, based on how well they score.

GO to:


Congratulations to the grantees and many thanks to the grant review team this round.

Vounteers: John Berry, Brianne Boylan, Andrew Danzig, Tom Dechert, JoAnn Lewis, Lois Rakov, Pam White, Scott Youngstedt; FON Board members: Mary Abrams, Kelsey Andersen, John Baird,  Kimberly Dixon, Alix Fedoruk, Alhassan Ali Mamadou Souna, Doug Steinberg

With their hard work we reviewed 26 project proposals!!

Seven projects were selected for a total of $27,870.  All thanks to the generous donations of Friends of Niger members.

Projects funded in June 2022

Job Skills for Young People in Niger. (DIMA) $5,000

Train 72 unemployed youth to do leatherwork and other marketable craft work. The program builds on an existing program and girls constitute more than half the trainees. NIAMEY

Inclusion sociale et économique des enfants vulnérable.  AfriYAN Niger 1,460,000 cfa

Work with 50 handicapped or otherwise vulnerable street kids to teach them to make marketable crafts made from used plastic items. Project culminates in a craft fair/exhibition of products. OUALLAM

Ma sœur, Mon Modèle. (MICA) 2,515,000 cfa

Employ 12 young women mentors who have participated in leadership training to work with 100 middle school girls to reduce early marriage, increase school attendance and overall life success. MADAOUA

Maison de la Parole. ONG GONI 2,500,000 cfa

Create an event space/center for oral tradition in a community known for this. Project will construct a stage and meeting space (hut/hangar) to support cultural and artistic events. LIBORE/NIAMEY

Soutien des Femmes d’Eladab.  ONG TAMAKRAST 2,680,000 cfa

Install a borehole and solar pump in a garden for the women’s co-op, which is already organized and active in drying and processing fruits and vegetables. AGADEZ

Dignite des Femmes Tagala Koye. Tagaz Espoir 231,000 cfa

Conduct a needs assessment to evaluate economic opportunities open to women sand carriers in order to develop future job skills programs to help them gain better employment. NIAMEY

Elementary School Maradi. AFN $5,000

Build a classroom to replace temporary shelters being used since classrooms were destroyed in a recent fire that took the lives of 34 children. MARADI