FON to tour UChicago Fossil Lab

Professor Paul Sereno has invited Friends of Niger for a special tour of the fossil lab where loads of fossils from Niger are being curated, analyzed and catelogued. We are excited to see this amazing patrimony and he is excited to meet a bunch of people who share his love of Niger. A reception for Friends of Niger members will follow the tour. There is still time to make plans and signup for this exciting event: Please join us at the lab: 3-5...

Appel à candidatures : répondre au plus tard le 1 septembre 2023

À toute personne intéressée : Les Amis du Niger (Friends of Niger, ou FON) est une association à but non-lucratif avec l’ objectif de promouvoir des activités qui favorisent le bien-être du Niger et surtout du peuple Nigérien. FON utilise un processus compétitif pour le financement de projets, et nous lançons actuellement un appel à projets.  Notre programme d’octroi de subventions est conçu pour soutenir des projets qui...

Nigerien party !

July 1, 2023Greensboro NC The Nigerien diaspora are planning a night of music, dancing and culture July 1, starting at 6 p.m. The public is invited and the cost at the door is $25 per adult, children are free.Entertainment includes musicians coming from Niger.For more information please call 860-995-0033 Did you know Greensboro has the largest concentration of Nigeriens living in the US? The organizers of this event frame the purpose as...

Nine grants awarded May 2023.

The grant review team has completed another successful round of grant reviews! Friends of Niger selected 9 projects for funding in May.  All unsuccessful applicants were given feedback about what the review team liked and what would have made their proposal more competitive.  Many thanks to our review team: Abdou Illia, Alhassan Ali, Alix (Barstow) Fedoruk, Ashley Spencer Fairleigh, Cara Greger, Douglas Steinberg, JoAnn Lewis, John...

ANNOUNCING 2023 grant making SCHEDULE

voir français en dessous ANNOUNCING 2023 SCHEDULE FOR GRANT MAKING. Applications must be received by March 15 or September 1 to be considered for funding. Notification of results will follow 2 months after the cutoff date.  Guidelines and forms are available on this site under the tab GRANTS/LES PROJETS The grant-making program is designed to support locally identified projects which demonstrate community support, are likely to succeed...